Meet the Sisters

Sisters Zoe Brenner, SBS and Jean Ryan, SBS have been instrumental in working with Gallup Solar, Inc. to bring electricity to the Navajo Nation.  Below are photos and testimonies that capture the extent and importance of this amazing endeavor.

SBS Leadership Team

Sr. Stephanie Henry – President

Sr. Theresa Chato – Vice President

Sr. Judith Franz – Councilor

Sr. Faith Okerson – Councilor

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Sr. M Consolata Beecher

Sr. Donna Breslin

Sr. Nathalee Bryant

Sr. Laura Cavanaugh

Sr. Theresa Chato

Sr. Katherine Mary Chazotte

Sr. Jean Marie Craig

Sr. M Regina Douglass

Sr. Dorothy Dowd

Sr. Patricia Downs

Sr. Carole Eden

Sr. Marjorie Everett

Sr. Marilyn Foy

Sr. Judith Franz

Sr. M Juliana Haynes

Sr. Stephanie Henry

Sr. Mary Hottenroth

Sr. Anne Kelly

Sr. Roland Lagarde

Sr. Mary Franceline Malone

Sr. Amedee Maxwell

Sr. Agnes McDevitt

Sr. Christa McGill

Sr. Anne Meehan

Sr. M Naomi Menza

Sr. Geraldine Mikulec

Sr. Norbert Moline

Sr. Annette Marie O’Donnell

Sr. M. Faith Okerson

Sr. Jean L Olmstead

Sr. M LaSalette Ouellette

Sr. Rita Radloff

Sr. Lynn Marie Ralph

Sr. Mary Walter Rochford

Sr. Patricia Rogan

Sr. Marilyn Ross

Sr. Sandra Schmidt

Sr. M Rosita Shiosee

Sr. Christine Smith

Sr. Lorraine Stein

Sr. Elizabeth Strachan

Sr. Patricia Suchalski

Sr. Therese May Warner


Sr. Zoe Brenner

Sr. Jean Ryan


Sr. Maureen T Carroll

Sr. Elena Marie Henderson

Sr. Beulah Martin

New Mexico

Sr. Patrick Mary Dempsey


Sr. Donna Banfield


Sr. Marianne Poole


Sr. Jane Nesmith


Sr. Amelia Breton